Need a renewal?

Jona Destiné & Makinson St-Martin Pharmacy
now offers easy ONLINE prescription renewal.

Become the main actor of your health project

From assessing minor ailments to identifying critical issues, your pharmacist will be by your side.

From minor ailments evaluation to identifying critical issues, your pharmacist will be by your side.

Our services

Allergies Saisonnières- La pharmacie Jona Destiné & Makinson St-Martin peut vous aider.

Seasonal Allergy

Fight your symptoms with our advice.

Service de vaccination offert en pharmacie.


A service offered directly in pharmacies.


Become the main actor of your health project

From assessing minor ailments to identifying critical issues, your pharmacist will be by your side.

Our services

Pharmaceutical Care

We are here to ensure that your medications are used appropriately, according to recommendations based on your needs and your state of health.

Clinical care

The Jona Destiné & Makinson St-Martin Pharmacy can now prescribe prescriptions to treat certain minor health problems.

Online Medication Renewal Service

Ask for your medication refills without waiting in line.

New Prescription?

Ask your clinic to fax us an original prescription (narcotics and controlled drugs) Bring the original to the pharmacy or use our submission form.

We welcome all clients

  • Income security recipients
  • All family members
  • Aboriginals, including the James Bay Cree
  • Refugees
  • Visitors to Canada

Payment method

Public and private insurance
